Monday, May 10, 2010

Tips for Taking a Girl to the Prom

Some guys get excited about the prom and others don't. But what nearly all guys feel about the prom is nervous. It's nerve-wracking to get all dressed up in a stiff, uncomfortable suit and try to impress the girl that you're taking to the prom. There are all of these things that you probably don't know how to do so well yet, like tipping limo drivers and figuring out hotel room accommodations. Relax. Prom night is a little bit stressful, but it's also supposed to be a lot of fun.
Here are some tips for taking a girl to the prom which might make things a little bit easier:
  • Plan in advance. Procrastination may work just fine with squeezing in your papers just before grades are due but it's a bad choice to make for planning the prom. Ask the girl out early, rent or buy your suit in advance, order her corsage, make dinner reservations and take care of all of the other details of prom before the date is actually upon you. Believe me, this will significantly reduce your anxiety. It will also impress your date because she'll feel like you've taken care of things for her and getting off on a good foot is going to make things easier.
  • Clothes. Yes, you need to dress up for the prom. Some prom couples go an alternative route and where something untraditional to the prom. If you're thinking about that, you should ask your prom date before you do it. She might be a goth girl on most days but that doesn't mean that her dreams of a pretty prom dress don't exist. You want to know ahead of time if she's expecting you do be decked out in suit and tie or will be comfortable with something less traditional.
  • Corsage. You need to buy your prom date a corsage. Even if she says she doesn't want one, buy it. It's a nice gesture. If she really hates it, you can always give it to your mom to save in the freezer; at least you're guaranteed to make one girl happy that way. Go to a local florist and have them explain the different types of corsages to you. They'll know what to get.
  • Take flowers to her mother if you're picking her up. Mom and Dad are nervous about their little girl going off to prom. This makes things easier for all of you.
  • Make little gestures throughout prom night to let your date know that you think she's special. That's what this night is all about. You can tell her she looks pretty, hold the door open for her, do "gentlemanly" things that you might not do on a normal day and it's perfectly acceptable.
  • Take pictures. Formal and candid. You might not want to but you'll be glad you did.
  • The issue of drugs and sex. Prom night is associated with partying. I'm not going to tell you to avoid drinking, drugs and sexual activity - that's for another time and place. What I will say is that you should know where you and the girl stand on these things before the prom night. It shouldn't be something you decide in the heat of the moment, under peer pressure. And always remember that if she says no - whether it's to drinking at a party or going further when you're making out - that means no and you need to respect that.
  • Have fun. You may be nervous but you should have fun. Dance even though you think you don't know how. Mingle with friends but spend time with the girl. Go out afterwards and stay up late laughing. It's a night that you won't ever forget.

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