Monday, May 3, 2010



Have you ever wondered why your partner is  always sighing  whenever you are making love?why your relationship always come to an end immediately after love making.  This article is not meant to embarrass you,but to educate and tell you what nobody will tell you.Do you know that making love with a loose vagina is like droping astick inside a big hole?IF your vagina does not completely close  wen you are not aroused, you have to put extra effort to reach orgasm than before, you cant satisfy your partner like you used to,you can insert three or more fingers into your vagina with little or no resistance, and you are having difficulty griping your index finger with your vagina .Then my friend  your vagina is loosed. There are things  i want you to know about loose vagina and sex before you try to tighten your loose vagina.
The vagina is like an elastic tube it open and closes depending on what is inside it.When there is nothing inside the vagina the vagina walls touch each other so it is closed,immediately after sex the vagina may remain open ,but will shortly return to it tight does not  decrease the muscle tone  of the vagina but should rather increase it,since sex is a form of exercise.It should interest you to know that abstaining from sex for a long time does not make your vagina tight,an having sex every seconds of the day does not make your vagina loose.If your vagina is loose it does not mean you are always having sex.The state of arousal of the vagina is the only thing that makes it tight.It is very sad that women  does not know that they this problem until they are told by their partner,then they  feel embarrassed, depressed, that they can no longer  satisfy their partner.
Know that being tight is not always  a good thing for a woman ,when a woman is aroused her vagina naturally loosens as the cervix pulls up to allow for penetration.IT therefore means that during penetration you should be loosen not tighten.IF you are tight during penetration it is a sign that you are not in the mood for penetration or you don't want to have sex.lubrication is also less when you are not aroused  making your vagina dry and tight.
As a woman i want you to know that  it is not all men that likes a tight vagina.there are men that like a slightly loose vagina because it allow for harder thrusting and faster sex.If woman is not sufficiently aroused her vagina will be tight and this comes with terrible dryness.However they are  men that likes a tight and dry vagina,others derive little or no pleasure.The size of the penis  also plays a part in the tightness of a vagina. If your partner penis  is too small then two of you will have a problem producing friction and pleasure.                 

A magnetic fluid that stimulates  the pelvic muscles is generated by a special chair.this is normally done by a technician or a nurse in a uriologist office.It can last for about 20 to5 minutes and it is done twice a week for about 9 weeks.
A probe that generates electric  current  is placed inside the vagina,and this stimulates the muscle of the pelvic floor,causing them to relax and contract.duration of treatment is about four weeks or longer depending on the situation.NMES is done every one to four days and last for about 20 minutes.

Oak gall are produced by a chemical reaction which occur  when leaves of the oak are penetrated by wasps.Oak galls can tighten and firm up the muscles of the vagina wall ,it  can restore elasticity and improve muscle tone.It can also reduce  foul vaginal discharge.
There are devices  that has weight  about the size of tampons. They come in a set of varying weight .they are inserted  in the vagina for a period of time starting with the c one  with the lightest weight.insert  it into your vagina squeeze your muscles to hold it in place.This is done two  times a day 4 to 5 minutes per session,you then repeat the process with the next heavier cone,when you have successfully held the first one in place.You can go about your normal activities while doing this.
The muscle tone of the vagina can be restored,and also the vaginal canal of the vagina can be tighten by surgery known as vagino plastry.Excess wall lining on the vagina are remove to restors muscle tone.Soft tissue to decrease te diameter of the vagina are also repaired.Th e procedure  is usually fairly bloodless,you  will be able to walk right after the operation ,you can also resume your normall activities in afew days.I advised that  you abstain from sex during this period.Expect some mild swelling and light bleeding in the first 24hours after the operatoin,any bruising  and swelling will disapear within two days.
This exercise can be done any time and any where without  any body knowing.IT can improve your bladder tone so you don't always leak strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor,that holds pelvic organ in place.They increase sexual pleasure by making pelvic muscles stronger and more elastic.
Step(1)whether you are lying or sitting down try to contract the muscles you used  to stop urinating,you should feel the muscle squeezing your anus and urethra.IF your buttocks or your stomach tighten,please know that you are not exercising the right  muscle.
Step(2) once you have found the right muscle to contract squeeze for three seconds and then relax for another three seconds.
Step(3) repeat the exercise ten to fifteen times per session and do this at least three times a day .please know that this exercise should be done regularly  for it to work.You will start noticing  some improvement  between eight to ten weeks,it get more effective as  you do them regularly.IF you feel  like you are not doing the exercise correctly  consult your doctor he will recommend you to do the exercise  with an instrument which measure muscle tension and conveys the information in real time,you will now be sure that you are doing the correct thing.
Sex is not all about penetration ,it is a whole body experience that must be shared between you and your partner.So any treatment that you choose make sure you are doing it not only for your partner  but also for your self.Dont think of satisfying only your sexual  partner but also for you to have a pleasurable and satisfying sexual experience.Do have a wonderful and pleasurable sexual experience.Good luck

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