Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is she a Virgin?

In many parts of the world, it is still very important to be a virgin when you are married. Thus, I tried to help out a little.
After many heated debates, I thought I'd finally touch upon a topic that may help men realize that what used to connotbeing a virgin has somehow become quite distorted. What we've managed to do to virginity would be like rewording theTen Commandments so that everyone feels that they haven't really committed any sins.
So there seems to be levels of virginity nowadays. There's the "never been touched" virgin and the "I've been poked everywhere but there" virgin. Perhaps you've been lucky enough to have busted a cherry or two in your day, or maybe you hooked up with a virgin who would basically do everything but have vaginal intercourse with you. Whatever the case, my article is dedicated to uncoveringthe counterfeit virgins.

Extra, Extra virgin

Virgin in the dictionary is defined as, "being in a pure or natural state; unsullied. Unused, uncultivated, or unexplored." Nowadays it seems that the only virgins left are our spayed and neutered domestic pets, and even they still get excited around the opposite sex.
But nevertheless, if you do happen to come across a unicorn,I mean a virgin, and she has never gone beyond kissing a man, let alone performed any oral ordeals, then she is a genuine, honest to goodness virgin. Now, whether or notyou have the patience to wait around until she's ready to let you play around her privates with your slinky is a whole other matter altogether.But be careful, no woman ever forgets her first, not necessarily because it was such an incredible experience, but rather because she let that person take something that she can never get back. Virginity is prized by most andwomen who are willing to give it to you habitually have a hard time letting go if things aren't working out.
Extra virgin

If your woman has had a couple of boyfriends but has neverbeen prodded in any orifices, then she too can be considered a virgin, but with a twist. Perhaps a couple of guys have managed to caress her breasts and perhaps even given them a lick or two, but that's still pretty tame compared to today's world of bestiality and S&M.If you're patient and think that she may be the one -- or more importantly, she thinks you're the one, then you may be the lucky guy that gets to delve into her uncharted waters. You and she can explore things and if she has been dying to unleash the beast within, then your sexual compatibility may lie within her (so to speak).
Experimental virgin

Now, onto the juicy part. There are those women that believethat if they perform oral sex on every boyfriend they've ever had, and let him get his fingers sticky every now and then, that they're still virgins. Now they may bleed a bit the first time they have sex, but are they really virgins?They have experience. I mean if she just lies there the first time you insert your member, but can play the flute on your instrument like she's written symphonies, has she really maintained her purity? At what point do we draw the line? When has the line between purity and experience been crossed?I personally don't think that a girl who can inhale a kielbasa like it's a toothpick necessarily connotes the virgin type.
If virginity lies in a hole and is not about experience, then our society has a very warped definition of what virginityreally is.Want some more virgins? They're right here waiting... Next >>
The anal incubator

Believe it or not, there are gals out there who will let you get into their anal canals, but will still aver that they are virgins. Carnal desires are natural, but anal sex, as well as oral sex (despite what Clinton says), has the word "sex" attached to it because that's exactly what it is. And once you have sex, you are no longer a virgin. Case closed.So these women are under the illusion that as long as their vaginas remain untouched by the almighty penis, they can still claim to be pure. Pure crud, that is. And if men seem to think that this is a viable argument, then they're just horny and have no qualms about taking theback way in.
The lying virgin

For some lucky women, the vagina shrinks back to its original size if they don't have sex for a while, and the next time they do engage in carnal activity, they bleed. Now does that make them virgins? I don't think so. But that's not what I'm referring to; I'm talking about the women who feel that they have to lie as though not being virgins somehow implies that they're not good women.
In today's world, finding a virgin is as common as seeing Britney Spears in a turtleneck. So why do some women insist on fibbing and saying they are when they're not?
That'll probably remain a mystery considering there are a multitude of reasons available. It's funny becauseit seems that gentlemen are no longer searching for virgins, but rather nice girls who have their head screwed on straight and have a wild streak behind closed doors.And in hindsight, would men prefer a woman who just lay there and let him do everything because she's "never done this before," or would he prefer a girl who has experience and can ride him like a cowboy (given that she hasn't bedded the town and the farm animals)?You be the judge.
Secondary virginity

If there's ever been an oxymoron that blew me away, this one is it. The point of virginity is that once it's gone, it's gone for good. And no matter how long a woman waits, it's not coming back. So these women that say that they've had sex in the past, but now want to wait until they're marriedbefore having sex again are really in a league of their own.There's nothing wrong with wanting to wait until marriage, but let's call it something different, shall we? How about, "it didn't feel good the first time" or "I made a big mistake?" It'sdefinitely not virginity at the secondary, elementary, or even sedentary level for that matter.If you met a woman and she told you that she has had sex in the past but won't have it again until she's married, wouldn't you be a little miffed that another guy got the goods and yet you can't? I would certainly feel a tinge of anger at the notionif my man wouldn't let me get at the goods that his formergirlfriend had full access to. But that's just me.
why is it important?

What makes women feel that they still have to claim that theyare chaste even if they're not? Is virginity still as prized as it once was or has our society become oversexed and numbedby the media?Obviously there are some very virtuous women who may or may not be virgins, but that's not what's important. What's important is finding someone who is not just compatible onthe communicative, intelligent and attractive levels, but ona sexual level as well.So find yourself a woman who makes your heart (among other things) pulsate and enjoy your time with her. And always wear a condom, even if she's a "virgin."

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