Friday, May 14, 2010

Sexting: The Art Of Flirty Text Messaging

How To Attract Women Using Text Messages

Are you ready to discover an unbelievable tool I use constantly to flirt and create sexual tension with women?
It's through "sexting" or text messaging on my cell phone.
Fortunately, unless you've lived in a cave for the last few years, you should be familiar with text messaging. Texts are short, "email like" messages you can send to people with your cell phone.
Texts are widely used because they're super useful for asking a fast question or sending a short message.
The cool thing is that women absolutely LOVE text messaging! Just watch any girl in a social setting, and see how many text messages she sends. Actually, text messaging is slowly replacing phone conversations.
The secret is when you text message a chick the RIGHT way, you can quickly build up enough attraction that you won't really have to do much IN-PERSON when you see her to get her attracted to you.
There's just one big problem with this.........
Most men entirely screw-up what they write on their text messages. They text the way us guys usually have conversations. When we talk to each other, we like to think logically and make concrete plans. Our texts are usually straight to the point.
Girls on the other hand, see text messaging as a way to get to know one another. Women use it to vent their frustrations & problems and also stay in touch with friends.
You gotta remember this when texting!
The totally killer way to use text messaging is to amplify and build SEXUAL TENSION. Before you send a text, make sure to think carefully about how this text will advance the flirting and sexual tension between you and any particular girl.
You can tease her, send "comfort" messages or make plans, but make sure your messages are specifically designed to create a STRONG emotion in the girl who gets them!
Doing this will improve your "game" with girls a million percent.
Its your lucky day! Let's take a look at the basics of texting or sexting. Over the last year, I've gotten tons of emails from dudes interested in improving their "text game". I always get 2 main questions:
1) What is the REAL purpose behind text messaging?
2) Can you give REAL LIFE examples of texts you've sent to girls?
So Here we go:
NUMBER 1) What's the REAL purpose of text messaging?
Simple.....Texting is totally about creating and maintaining and amplifying 
sexual tension!

Once you get her number, you probably have her attracted to you. This attraction is usually lost in the time between getting her number & calling her for the 1st time. When you text, you can bridge the 'time-gap' and maintain the attraction or even make it super hella hot.
Keep this in mind though, text messaging should NEVER totally replace a phone call. She'll thin you're weird if all u do is text. But sending a few funny, teasing, playful texts is an excellent way to get a girl to THINK ABOUT YOU all day long.
So when u actually call her, she'll immediately sense the good feelings and emotions that you've already given her through texting. This makes it hella easy to get her to answer the phone and set up a first date or meeting or whatever.
Make sure your text messages STAND OUT from all the other dudes that are probably calling this girl.
This Is How You Make Sure You're Not Like The Others:
NUMBER ONE- Tease the girl in a familiar manner to create a sense that you 
already "know" her

NUMBER TWO- Use "call back" humor to an event and or conversation that happened when you first met the girl
First, begin a text conversation by going back to a specific thing that happened when you 1st met her. [This is how to use the call-back humor that was mentioned above]
As an example, a couple months ago I met a super hot girl from the Czech Republic. Right when she opened her mouth, I could tell she sounded EXACTLY like the crazy dude from the Borat movie.
The second she admitted she saw the movie and "got the joke", I teased her mercilessly about sounding like the crazy Borat guy. So my 1st text message to her started with a me teasing her about being related to Borat. Nice!

The 2nd Most Asked Question: Can you give REAL LIFE examples of texts you've sent?

Like I said earlier, I usually use 'call-back humor' with my texts....Like the "Borat" example above...This makes it kinda tough to give "real life" examples. But, there are examples when I didn't get a chance to use call-back humor.
If you don't get a chance to use "call back" humor, here are a few messages that have gotten me excellent results in the past.
Twelve Texts I've personally used:
***These are to be used after you meet a chick- (try use 2 hours to one day after 1st meeting to re-establish contact)
1- "I sooo know ur thinking about me. So I thought I would say hi!"
2- "Stop talking about me to ur friends ;)"
3- "OMG.....I think I just saw ur twin. R u stalking me?"
4- "Thats it! I want a divorce. What r we going to do with the effing cats?"
***General updates- (Use these to keep contact ever other day & show her that you are a hella fun, super cool and interesting dude )
5- " dog just did the craziest thing..."
6- "I just passed an army of Oompa Loompas. I think short people are breeding WAY too quickly"
7- "80 degrees out, sunshine. Time 4 me to grab a towel & head to the beach. Too bad u have to work all day :)"
***For Building Sexual Tension- (Use these bad boys after you've talked to her on the phone and set up a second date or meet or whatever)
8- "Miss me yet?"
9- "Tomorrow is gonna be super awesome. Please try not to embarrass me in front of my friends"
10- "Can't wait to see you. Ur like the bratty little sister I've always wanted."
***After the Second Meeting/First Date- (reinforces the good time she had with you)
11- "Totally Had an AWESOME time with u. I owe u an eskimo kiss!"
12- "U were hella fun! I guess it's safe to introduce you to my friends!"
13- "I really had a great time! Even if u r a little dorky ;)"
Remember fella's.....Sexual tension can be quickly gained but it also can be quickly LOST.
You absolutely GOTTA keep up the attraction at ALL points in the relationships you have with girls. NEVER allow the lines of communication to go slack or get boring. If you do, She'll forget about as soon as you can say "hella cool".
You can also use these text messages to pick girls up on Facebook and Myspace VERY easily. Any message you send on an online website is basically like a text message and sexting online works extremely well.

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