Friday, April 30, 2010

Are Chemical Peels for Skin Care Safe For Pregnant Women?

Are Chemical Peels for Skin Care Safe For Pregnant women?

Are Chemical Peels for Skin Care Safe For Pregnant Women? It has been said that women always have a natural glow in them, they always exudes the beauty that can only be seen when one carries a baby or entering the motherhood stage in ones life. They are experiencing a lot of physical changes, hormonal and emotional changes. Sometimes due to the hormonal changes, they have skin problems like acne, marks, spot marks, blotches or skin blemishes which are natural because of the hormonal changes in their body. At some point, they remedy with skin treatment that are available in the market, but how safe are these chemical peels for skin care treatment specially for pregnant women, Lets us find out in this hub. This is a series of hub which I am writing about health for pregnant women, if you want to look at them feel free to scroll down and check the other links about pregnancy.
Women when they are pregnant have a delicate condition but it is not always the same for all women, some are sensitive to changes that are occurring tin their body, be it physical or emotional. Some problems like skin problems are normal during pregnancy and once a woman give birth, their skin is back to normalcy.

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peel is a treatment for your body which main purpose is to improve and smoothing the texture of the skin -- usually the face -- using a chemical solution that causes the skin which are dead to shed off and eventually peel off. There are some kinds of chemical peels that are over the counter but it is recommended to see a dermatologist, plastic surgeon on a type to use.
Kinds of chemical peels
  • Alpha hydroxy acid peels ---also known as (AHA) -- naturally occuring organic glycolic acid and carboxylic acid found in tomatoes and sour is used to cure --- wrinkles, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation, plus acne. AHA is also used to mix with cream or facial wash to improve skin texture.There are five main fruit acids
  • citric acids which can be derived form citrus,
  • glycolic -- from sugar cane,
  • lactic acid -- derived from milk, this is still considered a "fruit acid"
  • malic -- apples
  • and tartaric --- from grapes.
Uses : wrinkles, dryness, pigmentation,acne, dry skin, sun damaged skin
Some reactions : stinging sensation, redness, irritations on skin and skin dryness
Trichloroacetic acid peels
  • Tirchloroacetic acid (TCA) is used as an intermediate to deep peeling agent in concentrations ranging from 20-50% and the depth of penetration is increased as concentration increases-- with 50% TCA penetrating into the "reticular dermis"--
Retinoic acid peel
  • Retinoic acid is derived from retinoids; which is denatured vitamin A. It is chemically similar to Retin-A. This type of facial peel is also performed in the office of a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist or Med Spa setting. This is a deeper peel than the Beta Acid peel and is used to remove scars as well as wrinkles and pigmentation problems.
Phenol peels
  • Phenol is the strongest of the chemical solutions and produces a deep skin peel. Phenol was said to be the most likely only the carrier for another active component in the solution the croton oil. The effects of a phenol chemical peel are long lasting plus it shows up to twenty more years following the procedure.
Jessner's peel
  • Jessners peel is also known as the Coombe's formula and this combine "14% salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinolin an ethanol base". According to wikipedia "It is used to break intracellular bridges between keratinocytes but it is said to be very difficult to "overpeel" the skin due to the mild percentages associated with the acid combination"..
Beta hydroxy acid peels (BHA)
  • It has been out that BHA peels control oil, acne as well as remove dead skin cells to a certain extent better than AHAs because AHAs are only working on the surface of the skin. Salysilic acid is usually used plus a sodium salicylate -- "which is is converted by treating sodium phenolate (the sodium salt of phenol) with carbon dioxide at high pressure and temperature."

Which are Chemicals to Avoid and Which Are Safe When Women are Pregnant

  • About Retinoids-- According to Baby Center this chemical should be best avoided. Usually it is the Retin-A, Renova (tretinoin), Retinoic acid,Retinol, Retinyl linoleate, Retinyl palmitate,Tazorac and avage (Tazarotene).
  • Retinoids has an active ingredients which causes birth defects.
  • Salisylic acid -- According to Baby Center and salicylic acid is another no-no for pregnant women. High doses of the acid in its oralform have been shown in studies to cause birth defects and complications during pregnancy. Doctors are being cautious by recommending that pregnant women avoid the topicaluse of salicylic acid.
  • Salicylic acid, Beta hydroxy acid or BHA should be avoided
  • Benzoyl peroxide. It is recommended that it should be avoided and to skip it because some of it might get absorbed in the pregnant woman's body
Which Chemicals are Safe?
  • Alpha hydroxy acids, sometimes listed as AHAs, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, are safe according to Baby Center
  • Azelaic acid is recommended by WebMd and said that this is good for pigment, as well as any topical vitamin C product, which helps suppress pigment naturally. Phytocorrective Gel by Skinceuticals are safe
  • Aveeno soy-based products --it is safe as they have a photo-stabilized sunscreen that contains soy and has been shown to lighten pigmented lesions on the skin," says Dr Jamal at WEBMD.
  • About Hydroquinone --- WebMd recommends that while it is not sure whether hydroquinone is safe or not safe for pregnant women, (this is for skin lightening).


  • There are chemicals which are used for facial moisturizers, facial scrubs, facial masks, facial cleansers, acne solutions, eye skin care products, hand cream, self tanners, sun tan lotions, lotions, anti aging ( although) most women are relatively younger but some specially in their 40s and pregnant still use anti aging products like for wrinkles etc. The studies on the effect or safeness of chemicals in skin care products are not studied extensively although we know that natural is the best solution to every health problem including skin care, so it is best if you avoid using them altogether. If not, always consult a dermatologist and your health provider.
  • When pregnant, there are skin problems like melasma which is sometimes called pregnancy mask or dark skin during pregnancy, instead of curing this using skin peeling products, why not wait for your pregnancy to end then you can choose what skin care products to use.
  • There are chemical peels which are safe which are discussed above, but in general to my opinion, it is best if you postpone your skin peeling treatment after pregnancy because even though studies are not that extensive to cover the negative effects of some chemical peel substances, it is still crucial for pregnant women to safekeep the baby in the womb. As I always say that women have natural glow in them and the use of concealer plus is useful, so they don't need these unsure chemicals.


Cheating in a relationship occurs when either of the spouses strays away from his/her partner and begins to get intimate with other people. Most women dream of a happy life with their spouse without interference by other women but most times our dreams are shattered by the painful realization that our sweethearts are not as immune as we thought they are to falling into the temptation of cheating. It hurts very much to get cheated and the pain of it has driven countless people to commit unimaginable things. It is no more news to read about murders and suicides committed out of the rage of the unbearable pain of cheating in our world today.
Is your husband cheating on you? Do not allow that murderous rage into your marriage if he is, it is not the end of your marriage especially if you love him and do not want to lose him. Our society has advanced to a level whereby a woman immediately starts preparing for divorce when cheated by her husband but in the marriage vow we all promised to be there in sickness and in health, a straying husband is a dissatisfied person and as such needs help to return to normalcy. Divorce as we all know does no good to the family unit as it simply rips up the heart of the family and sends the members on different directions, I am yet to meet a child of a divorced parents that is happy about his/her parent's separation. Most times some children divert that anger into negative channels that spirals the family further into ruins. The onus is on us women to save our marriage from predators and unhappiness; we do not have to give up on our men when infidelity occurs. It is not easy but as a mother hen goes to a great length to save her young ones so should we protect our families from negative influence. Are you one of the many frustrated wives living unhappily because of their husband's infidelity? There are still ways to take your husband's roving eyes away from other women and make him have eyes only for you. Do not despair.
Are you reading this and thanking the heavens that you have the most faithful husband on earth, wait a minute for he might not be as faithful as you are thinking after all. You may have as much work to do on your marriage as that neighbour of yours you pity much whenever you bump into her husband and his other women in some restaurant. You need to watch out for these signs in your marriage: Does your husband now spend more time away from home than he use to? Does he give you excuses after another on why he had to stay on in the office? Has his sexual interest in you decreased? Is he less intimate, does he act distant? Do you see receipts to numerous stuffs that were not brought home? Are there charges on his credit bills that are strange? You may be noticing these but simply refused to give them more thoughts as we women have a way of justifying our man even when he is straying before our very noses. I am not trying to put thoughts into your head and make you begin to suspect your husband, I am only advising that you still work on your marriage to keep the flame of marital love burning. Do not wait for things to get out of hand before you go to work. Taming a cheating husband involves lots of head work, patience and lots of fun too, as it may be some little glitz and glamour that he encounters somewhere out there that is drawing him away from you, so put on your fun-shoes let us go dancing through these ten proven ways that will have him eating out of your hand and singing uh-la-la-la to you and you alone.
You first need to look deep down in your soul to see where your husband's infidelity stems from. How much confidence does he have in himself? Is he happy or unhappy? Is he going through some financial difficulties? Does he have some unsolved sexual problems? How about you? Check yourself in case you are the one driving him into the arms of others without knowing it. Are you happy in the marriage? Does he irritate you in one way or the other? What tone do you use to talk to him most times? Are you overbearing and bossy sometimes? How about your sex life? Is he happy with it or does he show some dissatisfaction that you cannot be bothered with? These and more may be the cause of his infidelity and it is only when you are able to figure out the root of this that you may begin to see that he is just like a hungry baby that only desires to get fed and be able to treat him more compassionately.
Good communication is the street that leads to your marriage, it helps you two understand each other in other words it leads you to the crevices of each other's hearts. It is through communication that you are able to know what pleases, displeases, worries and irritates your spouse. While talking with your partner, be tolerant and remember that opinions differ and when they do differ do not argue endlessly or pressure him much to make him agree with you. Do not mock, insinuate or get bitchy when conversing, it can build resentment and drive him further away, always communicate respectfully and sensitive or tough issues can be mellowed down with humour. That way the line of communication will remain open enough for you two to stay connected.
If you are a Christian, you must have come across that verse in the Bible where we were advised to feed and give drink to even our enemies for in so doing we are making them remorseful, the verse ended by admonishing us not to be overcome by evil but to overcome evil with good. His actions may have hurt you deeply (that is if your husband is already cheating) but try hard to find it in you to forgive him and look beyond his action into that person you first fell in love with. Love him absolutely, love him selflessly, love him completely that is the powerful tool with which to overcome his cheating with good, you both will eventually get to a point where your selflessness can't help but weaken and renew him.
Housekeeping is truly a full career in itself much more when you have the role of a mother and wife added to it. Sometimes many of us wish to have more ten hours or more added to the 24 hours that make up everyday as there are always lots of things to juggle throughout the day. Women have been known to excel in multitasking, if it is not cooking and laundering at the same time, it is washing dishes, baking and babysitting at the same time. In the midst of all these, it is important not to be carried away by the household chores and the demands of our jobs outside the home and forget to make out time for our spouses. The little time that lapsed while you are still making up your mind whether to make up with him after he irritated you at dinner last night, is enough for him to be charmed away by the smile and attention of another glamorous woman. While at work make out time to call him to know how his day is going, stay connected to him however far from home you are and always let him know that he is in your mind that way the thoughts of other women can hardly penetrate his mind. Be there for him when he needs you around in parties and other occasions, give him more of your time if you have not been doing so.
If your husband does not have enough confidence in himself, does not get any compliment from you and feels unappreciated and taken for granted, you do not need a fortune teller to tell you what will happen when that sassy secretary that has her eyes on him begins to shower him with compliments and admiration. You need to let him know that he means the world to you so that when such admirers come around, he will always pinch himself to remember that a wonderful woman that thinks the world of him awaits him at home. Go on, boost his ego, what are those quality that attracted you to him. Are they his thoughtfulness and kindness? A "you are such a kind-hearted man and I'm so lucky to have you" will have him beaming all day. No human being can resist a compliment, if you doubt that try complimenting ten people you come across one day and see what smiles and joy you will bring to them. If he is fat and is always admiring other men that are healthier looking than himself, see whether a little "I'm tripping for those bicep or six pack of yours" (even when you are only seeing just a pack) won't have him running to the gym to look good for you". A girlfriend narrated how she met this nice man that has no confidence in himself because she is more educated than him and how she made him feel comfortable and confident by complimenting his good attributes, right now she is over the moon preparing for her wedding. If she had backed out and even looked down on him, she would have lost that wonderful man.
Just before you begin to tell your self "I can't change myself, I have to be me or we can't all be the same" let me announce to you that we all have it in us to be exciting and make others enjoy our company. In my university days, other students from different departments always join our class for a particular lecture not that they want to learn the subject but because the lecturer that handles the course makes us laugh to rib cracking point with his jokes. You do not need to be as funny as Monique nor as fierce as Beyonce's Sasha to create an atmosphere of joy around you. All you need do is be yourself, relax and don't let things get to you easily. Put a break to some things that irritates you and can put you in a nagging mood, for instance a whining child can be comforted in time enough for he/she not to blow off the roof top with criesAvoid getting too serious with things and sometimes loosen up and laugh over little mistakes, you are not a perfect machine, when you do that you make those around you feel relaxed and happy. Concern yourself with the overall health and happiness of every member of your family, that withdrawn child or spouse might be going through something not known to you. Get playful with them and draw them out of the not-too-good mood. One of my favourite authors by name Vincent Peale once quoted this: “The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised."
Couples in the strongest of all marriages have admitted that some times things does get a little cold in their marriage but that at a time like that all they do is rekindle the flame which shows that marriage needs lots of working on. When was the last time you danced and went out on dinner with your spouse? You both do not need to have the loud music of a club to dance neither do you need to save up a bit before you can go dine in that very expensive restaurant, you can create the club right there in your living room, put on some sweet Enrique Inglesias or Marc Anthony and waltz in each other's arm. Your back garden can replace the restaurant, go bring out the wine and dine under the moon. Don't forget the powers of love notes, you can let him know how you appreciate some little things he did with a love note tucked into a gift. Find exciting games that can bring you closer, the list is endless you can get more tips through this link
Great sex is one major factor that keeps even the noblest and greatest of men out of their marital bed. Have you ever wondered what those women they chase after have that you do not have? Ask yourself that and begin to liven up your sex life if it is all dowdy dowdy, those other women are not smarter and more intelligent than you, or are they? You only need to add some vaa-vaa-voom to the little bedmatics you know and you will begin to rock his world. Where are the cosmo girls in the house? (make some noise!). If you do not know, magazines like cosmopolitan and redbook are one of the secrets of ladies like me. It teaches us the tricks and glitz that makes relationships rock, I cannot be caught without a cosmo mag no matter how old it is. Yes go on and be a cosmo girl, get the magazine, get on the website and improve yourself. There may be other good magazines and sites out there (hey!, you can let me know if you find other interesting ones okay) that may benefit you and help you improve, get on them. Life is too short to have a dowdy relationship, I am always thinking of ways to spice things up in my relationship not necessarily sexually, in many other ways.  l
If you have been feeding your spouse the same kind of food for 5 years now, definitely he will be secretly longing to taste different things and will not be looking forward to dinner anymore knowing that it is going to be one of your dry unexciting foods. I have actually heard a man comment that he has to secretly eat out before going home as his wife keeps preparing almost the same kind of food for dinner. The woman is lucky that he was not secretly eating out from the pot of another woman that mixes and creates exciting meals for him or she would have lost him to her. One place I love to be creative is in the kitchen as it is fun to create unique meals with the various foodstuffs, vegetables and spices that abounds. The world is so full of beautiful food for you to feed your spouse drab and monotonous food. The old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his belly will always remain true, create unique meals, buy cookery books, watch food channels and learn stuffs. Be unpredictable when it comes to feeding your spouse and he will always look forward to your foods. Some women are so good at this that their men hardly eat out and are always running home to eat their wife's food, what better way to keep your man at home than that.
That's right! Don't give up on your man because he cheated on you. The way to marital happiness is a rugged one little wonders one gets reminded at the altar that there will be sickness and health, better times and worse times, poorer times and richer times. Did you not promise to be there for all times, you do not have to up and leave in the time of sickness. All you have to do is seek remedy to the dissatisfaction that ails your spouse. A mentally sick woman I met and befriended in a hospital narrated to me that her sickness came about after she tentatively left her husband over a misunderstanding and while hoping and waiting for her husband to come begging for her to return home was so surprised he went and married another woman that she went crazy over it. One of us once wondered aloud whether to teach her cheating husband a lesson by leaving him for a month

It is not the smartest thing to do dearie, go get him off the grips of other women.
We women have such great powers that we overlook and do not use most times. Try out some of the points mentioned here and see the rewards for yourself. Don't pack up your bags or throw his out and end up breaking your family up when in a situation like that. Think of your children before you do that, they need a stable family to grow up in. Think of your marriage, did you not dream to live happily-ever-after in it, why give up now? You have the power to tame that cheating husband, the only thing is you were not using it. You go girl!

Top 10 Things Women Do To Destroy Their Marriage

While both husband and wife should take responsibility for their part in a marriage, below are ten mistakes common to women, which can completely destroy a marriage.
1. Using words to hurt, maim and destroy your marriage: Although men are stronger, women have the advantage when it comes to verbal strength. Women are adept at brandishing the sharpest words in order to shame, demean and belittle their man. Words are like toothpaste. Once they are out, there is no getting them back in. Regardless of how sorry you are afterward, the damage has been done.
2. Having unrealistic expectations: Seeking fulfillment from one person, and projecting your unhappiness onto him when he doesn't measure up will quickly destroy your marriage. If you feel unhappy, first examine reality. You will be happier if you shape your expectations to fit the reality of your situation. Expecting your spouse or children to make you happy is unrealistic. Make yourself happy.
3. Using sarcastic and critical statements, gestures, and facial expressions. This is a quick and easy way to show your husband that you don't respect him or his opinion. Men can become overwhelmed by the barrage of criticism coming at them. The result is they shut down, withdraw, and seek kindness and approval elsewhere.
4. Criticize him, make fun of him and belittle him to your friends and family: Not only will this diminish your husband in your eyes, it will poison those closest to you. You force them to take sides, and of course they choose your side, because they want to be loyal to you. They will not look at your husband the same. Once you are over your tirade, they will still be mad at him. Your close friendships and relationships will remain irreparably altered against your husband, in time, this can destroy your marriage.
5. Withhold affection and sex: Men are wired differently than women. They need physical release through sexual intimacy. When you refuse to meet that need, you are making a much deeper statement; you do not care about or respect his needs. As much as you need emotional release and closeness, he is wired to need physical release and closeness. Neither is wrong. You are just different. While you want your emotional needs met, it is important not to lose sight of his needs. Think of it this way; what if he stopped talking to you for three days? How about a week? What if he didn't talk to you for a month? Unconscionable. Likewise, it is unfair for you to cut him off from what he needs.
6. Disrespecting his insight, opinions and advice: Men are fixers. By nature, if you present a problem, he will come up with concrete steps to solve the problem. When you are dismissive, it sends the message that you do not value him. If you just want to bitch and complain, call a girlfriend. Girlfriends are great listeners. They will not try to fix you. If you must whine at your husband, tell him upfront that you don't need a solution, just an ear to hear. Sometimes, you might actually follow his advice. It could just work.
7. Undermining his authority, but demanding he take full responsibility: In any organization, there must be a leader, someone in charge. The head over the whole organization, who says, "The buck stops here." Typically, the person who carries the responsibility ought to be the one who has the final say. Don't become so focused on your own feelings and fears (i.e. I'm afraid he'll make a bad decision. I feel like I make better decisions) to override his feelings and fears (i.e. I am responsible to take care of the family. I'm afraid no one in the family respects me.) Be gracious in light of his decision making. You can respectfully disagree with a decision without attacking his ability to lead.
8. Never being happy: One of the quickest ways to destroy your marriage is to spend all your time acting miserable and unhappy. The goal of marriage should be peace and happiness. It is to this end that you have an obligation to be happy. If the goal is to be happily married, it is up to you to exercise self control. There is no need to express every angry, bitter or resentful thought. By owning your own problems, you can take responsibility for your own happiness. Each day, work on bringing your best self into the relationship. Regardless of what happens, you are only one thought away from peace.
9. Demoralizing him and crushing his spirit: If asked, most men believe their wives to be more moral and spiritual than themselves. Often, the wife agrees. She does not see herself as sinful or wrong. She feels her greatest "sins" lie in being deeply disappointed by her husband's failures and her children's shortcomings. Beyond this, wives typically admit to bad behavior and attitudes, but attribute it to hormones, chemical imbalances and a dysfunctional childhood. Woe to the husband who dares suggest his lovely bride could use improvement in some aspect of her life. Labeled a heartless, uncaring, unrighteous lout, he is silenced by an angered, wounded wife, cloaked in self-righteous indignation. She then feels perfectly justified in attacking every flaw, magnifying every misstep and pointing out every failure, until he feels ashamed for living. You are not your husbands holy spirit. Stop trying to correct every little flaw you perceive in his character and set about removing the blinding plank from your own eye.
10. Picking the wrong man. Again. And again. You meet a man. You like him. You start dating. Then you begin to notice the tiny flaws. The chinks in his armor. He yells, just like your dad did. He drinks and becomes abusive. He is mean to your kids. "It's o.k., " you tell yourself, "I'll fix him after we get married." Stop right there. There is no fixing it. The man you date will be the same man after you are married. Inherently kind? He'll still be kind. Addicted to pornography? He'll still be addicted. You cannot change the basic nature of other people. You cannot love them into changing. You cannot nag or pout or complain them into changing. If the relationship feels unhealthy during dating, getting married will not fix it. He will not magically become more responsible, more reliable, or more loving after you marry him. So if you want a good husband, find a good man, date him, and marry him. 
While this list may seem daunting, it is important to remember that the main goal of marriage should be peace and happiness. If life is stressful, work on changing your perception. You can see peace instead of stress. You are only one thought away from a peaceful life. If you feel unhappy, seek those thing that will fulfill you in life. Just be happy. The simplest route to something is to just be. The only person you can change is yourself.

My Breast Reduction Story

They Are Staring at My Boobs!

This story is about why I chose to have a breast reduction.

Why are won't they look at my face when they talk to me? This bra mom bought hurts and pinches, I don't know why she makes me wear it. These were all thoughts I had in my 5th grade year. I was painfully uncomfortable with the fact that boys and men would talk to me, while staring at my chest, I didn't understand why. Over the summer my breasts had grown and my mom bought me a training bra and it HURT! I was frustrated and sad everyday. I would go home and cry because I didn't know why everyone was staring at my chest.

The Middle School Years.

The boobs didn't slow down, they were on their own mission. Grow, grow, and grow. And they did. I finally grew accustom to boys talking to my boobs. I had to wear shirts that were two sizes bigger than my small frame to accommodate these two growing monsters. I hated them. Phy-Ed was a horror story. I would run and they would bounce up and down on their own. I joined the cheer leading squad, only to be humiliated by the coach after she stated they would have to purchase a new cheer leading sweater for me, because there were no sizes that fit over me. Girls wouldn't talk to me. I got comments like, the boys only like you because you have boobs. Frustrated and sad, day after day, all because of my boobs!

High School - a bit better!

By the time I reached high school, the boobs were still on a mission. I had also learned the fine art of sarcasm and I used it well. When the boys talked to my boobs, I would tell them, "I'm sorry, they won't talk back", "Look, but don touch", "If you want to hold a conversation with me, look at my face". They finally got the hint! The girls jealousy still remained, yet I finally created friendships with girls who saw me and not the boobs. I was still wearing shirts and sweaters that were to big and tried as hard as I could to hide these montrosities that were growing from my body.
The first date. This guy was so nice in school. Easy to talk to, fun to be around and he asked me to go out with him! I was thrilled, believing that he wanted to go on a date with me, not the boobs. Well, you know how that turned out. When he brought me home after our first date, we parked the car and the first thing he did....HE ASKED ME IF HE COULD FEEL THEM! I went inside my house and cried for hours. Date after date, similar incidents happened. Some guys just thought they could auto touch - but I was diligent, you either like me for me and not the boobs!

Life Goes On, The Pain gets worse.

College life was much easier. Men still talked to my boobs, but I ignored them. I figured if they were dumb enough to talk to my boobs, they were a waste of my time. When I began working in the real world, the same things happened, grown men were now talking to my boobs, men who were old enough to be my father.
The boobs continued their growth. I continued to try and hide them. The pain they caused me both physically and mentally was no fun. I had deep indents on my shoulders and under my breast from the bra straps and underwires. I began have terrible back pain and migraines. I lived with it, thinking what else can I do?

My future husband.

In the mid 80's I met a wonderful man. We dated for a long time before he even tried touching my breasts - and I thought for sure, he was the one. He liked me for me & not the boobs! We eventually married and I was over the moon in love (still am). The pain, however, continued to get worse & I tried Physical Therapy and Chiropractors with no avail. My general doctor suggested I have a breast reduction. A what? He went on to explain in detail that I could have my breast's reduced to eliminate the pain & discomfort I felt on a day to day basis. The one drawback was, I might not be able to breastfeed if we had children. So I said no.

Baby girl & breastfeeding.

In early 1990 I gave birth to our first child. She was (and still is) amazing. I was determined to breastfeed her. When I first began feeding her, I thought my breast would smother her, I had to hold her on my lap for her to nurse, I could not hold her up close as the boobs were now milk filled and sat at my waist. We lived in a small town in rural Minnesota, I couldn't find a nursing bra that fit, again I was strapped into a bra that caused more pain than I thought I could have. I developed an infection in one breast, and unfortunately had to stop breast feeding. My big boobs once again were in the way. I hoped and prayed that after I lost my baby weight, that the boobs would also loose weight. I made it back down to 112 pounds and 1 cup size bigger!

Baby Boy!

After our son was born, I opted for bottles versus breast feeding. Fearing from my past experience that I was not destined to breastfeed.
I began classes through Early Childhood Education with my son and became fast friends with other moms. One day over coffee, I was complaining about my neck and shoulder pain. My friend Michele asked if I'd ever considered a reduction and went on to tell me about hers. That night I discussed it with my husband and the next day I made an appointment with Michele's plastic surgeon.

My plastic surgeon rocks!

At my first consultant with the plastic surgeon, he told me that the weight of my breast was causing the extreme pain and headaches I was having. I agreed to the surgery. The insurance paid for it too! The surgeon wanted to bring me down to a "C" cup, I begged for a "B" cup, but he said he wouldn't take that much. He removed one pound off of each breast! I was in heaven. The best surgery I could ever have. I was joyful, pain free and I could buy bras off the rack at Target for cheap!

My 20 Year high school reunion.

My 20 year high school reunion was three months after my surgery. I recived so many compliments on how great I looked. I also had quite a few people stare, but not ask where the boobs went. But after 20 years there were still some boys who never grew up to be men. I had several ask me where my boobs went to? I was astounded at the question, but simply retorted with, "I see you still haven't grown up yet!"
So today I'm comfortable with a 34C. No more bouncy boobs. I can wear shirts that are my size now! I can wear a swim suite that is my size. I can go bra-less and be happy! The headaches and back aches are in the past now & the deep indents in my shoulders disappeared aboout 8 months after my surgery.
I can now say I love my boobs!

- Shared by Jane

Breast Health for Women

Love Those Boobs!

We live in a society that is obsessed with boobs. The ideal woman seems to have two perfectly matched, erect, bouncy, and, at least, C cup breasts. And, no way do they have stretch marks. Women who don't live up to these expectations (which happens to be most women) might feel like something is wrong with them.

The truth is that every woman has a unique set of breasts; and, each one of those breasts is unique. Our breasts are diverse in shape and size. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having boobs that are different sizes, have stretch marks, or don't stick firmly out.

It does happen that a woman will have a size discrepancy that is striking—which can cause some psychological pain. Other women have such large breasts that it causes back pain and discomfort. These can lead to healthy decisions for breast surgery. However, many women choose to have surgery because they want to live up to this ideal image of how women should look.

Why Do Breasts Exist?

Many women think their breasts exist for the pleasure and benefit of someone else. Have you ever heard someone tell a woman not to breast feed because it will “ruin her breasts”? Symbolically, breasts represent nurturing. The act of nurturing is about giving and taking; yet, when women find that their breasts aren’t bringing them any pleasure, but only there for the pleasure of others, women miss out on a powerful relationship they can have with their bodies. While it is perfectly normal and acceptable for women to allow others to take pleasure in their breasts, it is even more important for women to find pleasure in their own breasts.
Women tend to be givers. But, when women give all the time without taking the time to care for themselves, they begin to feel stressed. Research has associated women who suffer from stress (whether it is from job loss, divorce, or bereavement) with an increased risk for breast cancer.
So, why do breasts exist? They exist for the pleasure and benefit of the women they belong to. Offering them to others for pleasure can also bring pleasure to the women they belong to.

Anatomy of Breasts

Breasts are glandular organs that are sensitive to hormonal changes in the body. They undergo cyclical changes that synchronize with a woman’s menstrual cycle. The female breast is designed to provide nourishment to babies. A woman’s breasts also provide sexual pleasure for the woman. In fact, breasts are connected with the female genital system.
Breasts and nipples come in all sizes as shapes. And, most women have one breast that is slightly smaller than the other—that’s right, it’s totally normal.

Breast Self-Exams

Self exams are very important for every woman to perform on a regular basis because you need to learn how your breasts feel. If you are familiar with your breasts, it will be easier to recognize when something changes.
The best time to do a self-exam is right after your menstrual period ends. If you feel uncomfortable doing a self-exam, ask your doctor to talk you through it at your next appointment. You will feel more confident about doing it if you have had some professional guidance.
Self-exams are a must do for every woman, but don’t let them give you a false sense of security. You still need to visit your doctor regularly for optimum health.

Benign Breast Symptoms

If you notice a lump, cyst, or nipple discharge, you need to consult with your doctor. Remember that finding something like this does not mean you have breast cancer. Many lumps and cysts are benign. A lot of women go to their doctor because of pain in their breasts. Cyclic mastalgia is breast pain that comes and goes with the menstrual cycle. It is often caused by hormonal fluctuations, excessive caffeine intake, or stress. Cyclic mastalgia is not a risk factor for breast cancer.
Breasts are sensitive to hormonal changes, but women are encouraged to tell their doctors about any lumps they find.
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
In the 1970s and 1980s, there were studies that suggested women withfibrocystic breast disease were two to three times more at risk for breast cancer. However, the National Cancer Association Consensus Committee discovered in 1985 that this is not true. In fact, most of what is called fibrocystic breast disease is actually the normal changes in breast anatomy—it is not associated with breast cancer.
Breasts are composed of fat and tissue. The ratio of tissue to fat changes, so some areas of the breast will seem more dense than others. Most women experience fibrocystic changes in their breasts. Bear in mind that it isn’t really classified a disease, and many doctors now refer to it asfibrocystic breast changes.
Nipple Discharge
It might sound odd, but nipple discharge is not necessarily something to worry about. Nipple discharge mostly occurs after nipple stimulation, and it isn’t dangerous. As a gland, your breast can naturally produce fluid. The kind of discharge can vary depending on the situation. You should be sure to note down the details—thick or watery; the color; whether it happens on its own, or when you squeeze it; etc.—so your doctor can have all of the information.
Remember that nipple discharge is rarely a sign of serious illness, but don’t hesitate to have anything checked out by your doctor.
Breast Cysts
Breast cysts are fluid-filled lumps. Cysts can’t be identified by an exam alone. Your doctor will perform a procedure called FNA, where the fluid is drawn out with a thin needle. If the fluid looks bloody, your doctor may choose to have the fluid further analyzed. If blood is not present, the fluid is discarded. The lump caused by the cyst will most likely disappear on its own after the liquid has been aspirated. If the lump returns, be sure to contact your doctor.
Cysts will come and go with your periods, often resolving on their own.

What You Can Do to Help Relieve Breast Pain

There are definitely things you can do help alleviate breast pain. Don’t feel as though you have to do all of the suggestions listed below—the last thing you want is to add any stress to your life. Do what feels right. Above all, include your doctor in any decision you make.
Eliminate Caffeine
Caffeine can cause overstimulation of breast tissue for some women. Eliminating, or even cutting back, can help relieve some of your breast pain symptoms. However, this varies from woman to woman, so do a trial run (for one menstrual cycle) to see if it affects you.
Eliminate Dairy Products
Like the elimination of caffeine, do a trial run for this (but not at the same time as the caffeine trial) to see if it works for you. If you find that it hasn’t helped after a month, go ahead and reintroduce dairy into your diet.
Minimize Estrogen
Breast tissue is sensitive to high-fat, high-carb diets, which raise estrogen levels. High estrogen levels stimulate breast tissue, causing breast pain for some women. Soluble fiber from vegetable sources can help your body get rid of excess estrogen. Making changes to your diet, adding cruciferous vegetables, like kale, cabbage, and broccoli, and soy foods, like tofu, miso, and tempeh, can reduce breast pain, tenderness, and swelling.
There is debate about the effectiveness of supplements. Again, be sure to try it out, see if it helps, and consult your doctor.
Evening Primrose oil and gamma linolenic acid may help breast tenderness by stemming the inflammation.
Omega-3 fatty acids, like fish oil, walnut oil, flaxseed oil, and sesame oil, should help with breast pain.
Change Bras
Make sure your bras fit properly. A bra that is too tight, not providing enough support, or an underwire that cuts off circulation can create a lot of breast pain. Go get fitted!
Castor Oil Packs
Applying castor oil packs to the breasts a few times a week for one hour can reduce or eliminate breast pain. After the first two or three months, maintain this treatment by using the pack once a week.
Know Your Breasts
Monthly self-exams will keep you familiar with your boobs. Keep a calendar, noting differences or changes you experience. Be sure to track your menstrual cycle as well so you can recognize any patterns.

A Message to Women

Love yourself. Love your breasts. And, respect your body. You deserve it. There are things that are out of our control, but we can make the best out of the things we can control. So, don’t forget to nourish yourself. You may be a giver, but remember to give to yourself too. Breast health is important, but so is your psychological health.