Friday, April 30, 2010

What do men really think about pubic hair on women

The hair issue

Whether for fashion, appearance, hygiene or just personal taste, most women now get rid of pubic hair. Some only have a little “tidy up” while others have no second thoughts about going completely bald down there. But whatever a woman’s decision and the reason behind it most women have wondered at least once what men think about pubic hair.

The “hair” issue can be daunting during the first stages of a relationship as some men can take a very strong stand with their likes and dislikes. Others I know would be just thankful that you said yes, regardless of your hair or lack of it. But here we are going to talk about those men who have a strong opinion on the subject.

Darling how would you like my Venus Mount?

If you are ever bold enough to ask your partner how would he like your Venus Mount, you will be surprised at his answers and how much you learn about his personality with such a simple question. For a start, his answers might range from:
· “La Totale”, he is very meticulous and won’t accept anything else but bald. He is glad you finally asked because he did not know how to tell you!
· “You are perfect like that”, he is either completely in love with you and accepts you no matter how or he is desperate and just thankful that you are there.
· “Leave it to grow”, he thinks that pubic hair adds mystery to a woman’s anatomy. Certain souls are more susceptible to the works of Mother Nature and prefer to ignore certain parts of the body that should be hidden anyway.
· “Can you manage a diamond shape”, now he is either a compulsive card player or a jeweller.
· “Brazilian please”, now he is either planning for a beach holiday or he just had a holiday with a Brazilian girl.
· “what about dying it pink”, he is 100% crazy.
· “Later, can you get me a beer now, my team is about to score”, needless to say, you should be changing partners ASAP.

Here are some answers given by my male friends when asked about women’s pubic hair:

· “Personally I prefer the hairless fashion. At the start my girlfriend didn’t until I managed to ask her to go shave ALL pubic hair”
· “A woman should keep some pubic hair, otherwise it is ugly to see all the bits hanging like an open wound”
· “The bald look reminds me too much of a young girl, it puts me off”
· “The metro ticket, that’s perfect for me”.
· “Hairs put me off, it looks dirty”
· “I cannot stand a mouth full of hair, iagh.”
· “I am very visual, with hair all over the place I cannot see anything”
· “Women should shave 100% including the rear area”
· “I love shapes, it shows me that she has made an effort to impress me, like for Christmas when my girlfriend had a Christmas tree design there”
· “I like shaving her myself, it is part of the foreplay when we are in the shower”
· “The less the better for me, with less obstacles in the way it is easier to find the sensitive points”
· “No hair is cleaner”
· “I don’t care, as long as it’s not a jungle, I couldn’t care less”
· “No hair is better for oral sex, if she asks me I would shave too!”
· “I like a hairy woman, it gives her a wild side, like an Amazon warrior”

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